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Unlocking the power of our values

Chloe Walton, helps us to uncover our personal values and see them as a superpower in understanding what makes us tick.

Our values are essential in understanding how we build relationships, cope with change, and make decisions. Ever felt that a decision, relationship, job just ‘doesn’t feel right’? Our values are what make us who we are, they are unique to us and have an influence on everything that we do, say, think and feel. By understanding our values are we unlock a new language and see the world through a clearer lens that makes complete sense.

This reflective session will leave you with an understanding of their importance and a plan of how to bring your values to life.

Key take-aways:

How to identify our own unique values.

Why these values are so influential in our personal development.

The importance of their impact on our decision making, leading others and exploring conflict.

4 May

Online Networking May 2022

19 May

An Events Masterclass