He For She

Chapter 11

Think of the phrase male ally as a verb rather than a noun. How can you help drive gender equality in sport? 

Game On charts the unstoppable rise of women’s sport, with many trailblazing, game-changing women leading the charge, but ultimately having men onside will be essential if true equality in sport is ever to be achieved.

This week’s audio chapter of the book ‘Game On’ explores the topic of male allies, celebrating the men that are already on board and providing practical guidance for those that want to do more. 

Along with the high profile male allies like Andy Murray, David Coulthard, Ugo Monye and Justin Rose, I also applaud those doing so much in running sports organisations, investing in sponsorship and generating more media coverage.

A big thank you to our partners, Sport England who support The Game Changers through a National Lottery award.

Find out more about The Game Changers podcast here: https://www.fearlesswomen.co.uk/thegamechangers

Hosted by Sue Anstiss
Produced by Sam Walker, What Goes On Media

A Fearless Women production


Ready For The Board Game


Sidelined Women